domenica 21 novembre 2010

Weather Molds the Life of Man

The weather molds the life of man,

Has done so since the world began.

It sends the waters down the rivers,

Makes springtime floods and wintry shivers,

The weather molds the life of man:

It calls for coal or else the fan;

The hottest days bring costernation,

we long for fall in desperation,

While from our brow drips perspiration.

The weather molds the life of man,

Wherever we go, whatever we scan,

with frost in spring that kills the peaches,

With summer heat that leisure teaches

And send us flocking to the beaches.

(una buffa poesiola sul tempo meteorologico dal sito della NOAA e la copertina di uno dei migliori album dei mitici Weather Report: da non perdere, se si ama il jazz e con un "nomen omen"......)

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